Breach of Planning Enforcement notice Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Breach of Planning Enforcement notice Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Many Defendants are unaware that an order under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 may be made if they are convicted of ‘regulatory’ offences such as those under s179 of the Town and Country Planning Act 2002

Unanimous acquittal in Fraud and Perverting the Course of Justice trial

Unanimous acquittal in Fraud and Perverting the Course of Justice trial

Quentin Hunt is an experienced jury advocate who specialises in effective cross examination of witnesses and the tactical deployment of defence evidence at trial.

Court of Appeal reduces sentence by half in Fraud case success

Court of Appeal reduces sentence by half in Fraud case success

Following oral submissions by Quentin the appeal was allowed by the Court. The sentence of 24 months imprisonment was reduced by half to one of 12 months. This meant that VP was eligible for release on a home detention curfew tag the week after the hearing in the Court of Appeal.

A Guide to Boiler Room Fraud

A Guide to Boiler Room Fraud

Quentin looks at common characteristics between 'boiler room' fraud cases and provides some important insights about the operation of the law in this area

Am I guilty of fraud?

Am I guilty of fraud?

what can I do if I am accused of fraud and what are the defences to fraud charges?