Criminal Barrister Quentin Hunt analyses the offence of Fraud by Abuse of Position.

Criminal defence Barrister Quentin Hunt examines the perverting the course of justice sentencing guidelines.

Where an application fails the applicant should be provided with reasons as to why, in order for them to assess whether the decision was justified and possibly appealable, there is no statutory requirement that reasons be given.

Defendants who are otherwise law abiding people get caught out telling stupid lies to the Police and Courts without realising the dire consequences of getting caught.

Section 33 is one of the most prosecuted offences under the of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, it covers all manner of depositing of waste from small scale ‘fly tipping’ to industrial scale waste disposal.

Quentin was approached by Mr AS who was before the Harrow Crown Court for sentence in respect of a trading standards prosecution.

Careless or Inconsiderate Driving (Road Traffic Act 1988 section 3) but what does careless driving actually mean?

Speeding (Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 section 89) What happens if I get caught speeding?

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